When ordering products from Global Telesat Communications for delivery outside of mainland UK you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches the specified destination. Please note that orders being shipped to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and Czech Republic will have local VAT applied at checkout and we will pay the import tax on your behalf. Any additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you; we have no control over these charges. Customs policies vary widely from country to country, so you should contact your local customs office for further information. Additionally, please note that when ordering from Global Telesat Communications, you are considered the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the products. Your privacy is important to us and we would like our international customers to be aware that cross-border deliveries are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities.
No goods will be shipped without payment in full by credit/debit card or cheque payable to Global Telesat Communications Ltd. Goods are supplied subject to conditions of sale. We do not relinquish title of these goods until payment is received in full and cheques are cleared.
All orders will be delivered by Fedex, Royal Mail or other couriers if requested. International orders received before 2.30pm GMT and domestic orders received before 3.30pm with Fedex selected as the carrier, or before 4.00pm GMT with Royal Mail selected as the carrier will be shipped the same day. Orders received after these cut-off times will be shipped the next business day. If goods are on back order, we will inform you by email and offer a refund if necessary. If your order is urgent, please let us know and will do our best to get the goods to you as soon as possible.
Please Note: We are currently unable to offer a next day delivery service to locations in Northern Ireland, the Highlands and islands or other remote locations. If you are based in one of these locations, we will usually deliver your goods within two business days. If you require an exact delivery date, please contact us before placing your order.
All deliveries apart from SIM cards or other goods sent by regular mail at the request of the customer must be signed for. If no one is available to sign for your order, then the courier may attempt to deliver to one of your neighbours. If no delivery is possible, a card will be left and parcel held at the local depot for you to collect or rearrange delivery. Depending on the shipping method chosen by you, parcels may be held for up to two weeks before they are returned to us. Should you wish to re arrange delivery please follow the instructions on the card left by our courier.
Be sure to check the condition of your package upon delivery and if it appears damaged we advise you not to accept delivery. We do not accept liability for damaged packing after you have signed to receive the goods. Always inspect the goods upon receipt. In the highly unlikely event that the wrong goods have been delivered or your items are defective or damaged, please inform us as soon as you can so we can rectify the situation. You agree that proof of delivery supplied by our delivery company is sufficient evidence to establish that goods have been received.
Under no circumstances will we be liable for any delays beyond our reasonable control (including delays by courier companies for any reason), delays caused by customs, or any delays which are caused by you. If you delay a delivery, our responsibility for everything other than damage due to our negligence will end on the date we agreed to deliver it. We are not responsible for duties, taxes or any other delivery or import charges you may be liable for, other than the shipping charge agreed at the time of your order.
If for any reason we are unable to provide you with the goods you have ordered, we will ensure that you are contacted as soon as possible, at which point we will offer you the choice of accepting available substitute goods or a complete refund.